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About Abdul Rehman – Professional Trader and Coach


Abdul Rehman began trading financial markets back in 2010 whilst studing Civil Engineering at the University of Leeds in the Pakistan. Over the past 5 years he has traded almost every market you can think of, from forex to commodities, you name it, he's traded it. He is speciialises in price action trading and is widely known today throught the world as a master price action trader.His experience in such a wide range of markets means he has first hand knowledge of all the trials and tribulations faced by aspiring beginner traders. Having spent the last 5 years refining his trading strategy and market Abdul Rehman has decided to help other aspiring traders by sharing his strategy, commentary and trading videos with you.

Trading Principles

Abdul Rehman in trading clean price action setups in highly liquid markets. He trades only the daily and 4-hour time frames and focusses predominantly on trading forex, commodities . Since financial markets are contrarian by their very nature we can increase our probability of succeeding as retail traders by only trading highly liquid instruments.
As you embark upon your journey towards becoming a profitable forex trader you will come to realise that you need to devise a trading strategy that best fits your style. You will learn Abdul Rehman's core principles on this website that he has learnt to be the best way to profit from the markets. You will inevitably adapt his strategy to one that best fits your style, and you are definitely encouraged to do so. However, there are some golden rules that you should avoid deviating from and these are shared with you below:
  1. Never, ever attempt to trade financial markets using anything below the 1-hour timeframe. Lewis only uses the daily and 4-hour timeframes because they best suit his style, although other traders have developed perfectly profitable strategies using the 1-hour timeframe as well. Anything below that though and you are seriously wasting your time, there is just far too much market noise.
  2. Never, ever attempt to trade counter-trend setups. They are so much harder to trade than setups in the same direction as the dominant trend, as a beginner it's simply not worth even trying. Lewis has been trading for 5 years and still places at least 80% of his trades in the directon of the daily trend.
  3. Always ensure your trades are placed at areas of confluence on the chart, that is to say, never make a trade simply because there is a price action signal present. All price action signals must form at an area of significance before Lewis ever considers trading them.
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