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ZeekRewards Alternatives

As nearly 2 million people were involved in ZeekRewards I got every single day the question:
What would be a legit Zeek alternative?
My answer as a MLM supporter is: Find a good solid MLM, however millions of people want to do an Home Based Business with 100% virtual products, with residual income, from behind the computer, without recruiting and without hard work…
I am calling upon my 350,000+ monthly visitors to nominate legit Zeek alternatives.
There is a thin line between legit or non – legit, between substainable business or a main failure. I do not endorse any alternatives, just want to give you an overview of the virtual market, so do your own Due Diligence!
After the nominations I will organize a Poll for the top 10. Please put a Facebook comment in for your nomination. So again the requirements, (or as close as) are:
  1. Home Based Business
  2. 100% virtual products
  3. Worldwide available
  4. Residual income
  5. No recruiting – (Not possible according to many top earners)
  6. No hard work (Not possible according to many top earners)
  7. Legit (Do your own Due Diligence…)

    The Preliminary list, based on below

    Virtual OpportunityWebsiteFounder / CEO
    AiYellow Business Partnerswww.aiyellow.comMartin Naka
    Banners Brokeswww.bannersbroker.comChris Smith
    Bid Ambassadorswww.bidambassadors.comRandy Jeffers
    Bidifywww.bidify.comLarus Palmi Magnusson
    Empower Networkwww.empowernetwork.comDavid Wood
    Ez money
    Global One / Ultimate Profit Powerswww.ultimatepowerprofits.comScotty Evans
    Go Fun
    Iwowwewww.iwowwe.comBill Starkey
    OPN - Sitetalkwww.theopportunitynetwork.netRune Evensen
    Profit Clickingwww.profitclicking.comFrederick Mann
    Shopping Sherlockwww.shoppingsherlock.comMichael Wiedder
    Smart MediaTechnologieswww.smartmediatechnologies.comDavid Martin
    StiForpwww.stiforp.comNauder Khazan
    Talk Fusionwww.talkfusion.comBob Reina
    Trade4Profitwww.Trade4Profit.euMartijn Persoon
    Unlimited Profitswww.unlimitedprofits.comRobert Hollis
    Wealth4Allwww.wealth4allteam.comDanny Cianciulli


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