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Binary Options Weekly Setup February 25-1 2013

New week, starting February 25th, brings 17 new market events. Pay special attention to the Euro Zone M3 Money Supply on Wednesday.

Let’s review the events. All times are GMT.

  1. U.K. BBA Mortgage Approvals: Published on Monday at 09:30 GMT. The market expects a score of 34.2K. If the outcome is 36.2K or more, CALL GBP/USD. If the result is 31.2K or less, PUT option on GBP/USD.
  2. Swiss Employment Level: Tuesday, 08:15. Exp. 4.11M. 4.17M or more, PUT USD/CHF. 4.07M or less, CALL USD/CHF.
  3. U.S. S&P/CS Composite-20 HPI: Tuesday, 14:00. Exp. 6.7%. 7.2% or higher, CALL USD/JPY. 4.3% or lower, PUT USD/JPY.
  4. New Zealand Trade Balance: Tuesday, 21:45. Exp. 110M. 546M  or more, CALL NZD/USD. -199M or less, PUT NZD/USD.
  5. Australian Construction Work Done: Wednesday, 00:30. Exp. 1.5%. 1.9% or higher, CALL AUD/USD. 1.1% or lower, PUT AUD/USD.
  6. GfK German Consumer Climate:Wednesday, 07:00. Exp. 5.9. 6.3 or more, CALL EUR/USD. 5.3 or less, PUT EUR/USD.
  7. Swiss KOF Economic Barometer: Wednesday, 08:00. Exp. 1.00. 1.11 or more, PUT USD/CHF. 0.93 or less, CALL USD/CHF.
  8. Euro Zone M3 Money Supply: Wednesday, 09:00. Exp. 3.2%. 3.8%  or higher, CALL EUR/USD. 2.7% or lower, PUT EUR/USD.
  9. U.K. Second Estimate GDP: Wednesday, 09:30. Exp. -0.3%. 0.2% or higher, CALL GBP/USD. -0.5% or lower, PUT GBP/USD.
  10. U.S. Core Durable Goods Orders: Wednesday, 13:30. Exp. 0.3%. 1.2% or higher, CALL USD/JPY. 0.1% or lower, PUT USD/JPY.
  11. Japanese Prelim Industrial Production: Wednesday, 23:50. Exp. 1.6%. 2.8% or higher, PUT USD/JPY. 1.2% or lower, CALL USD/JPY.
  12. Australian Private Capital Expenditure: Thursday, 00:30. Exp. 1.1%. 3.2% or higher, CALL AUD/USD. 0.8% or lower, PUT AUD/USD.
  13. Swiss GDP: Thursday, 06:45. Exp. 0.0%. 0.8% or higher, PUT USD/CHF. -0.2% or lower, CALL USD/CHF.
  14. U.S. Unemployment Claims: Thursday, 13:30. Exp. 361K. 366K or more, PUT USD/JPY. 355K or less, CALL USD/JPY.
  15. Japanese Capital Spending: Thursday, 23:50. Exp. -7.0%. 3.3% or higher, PUT USD/JPY. -9.8% or lower, CALL USD/JPY.
  16. U.K. Manufacturing PMI: Friday, 09:30. Exp. 51.0. 52.1 or more, CALL GBP/USD. 49.1 or less, PUT GBP/USD.
  17. U.S. ISM Manufacturing PMI: Friday, 15:00. Exp. 52.5. 53.8 or more, CALL USD/JPY. 52.1 or less, PUT USD/JPY.
These expected market reactions and setups are general market commentary. This is by no means any type of investment advice.
Quick explanations:
CALL options – if the price closes at a higher level than the price you purchased at expiry time, you make 75%. If it closes below, you’re left with 10%.
PUT options – if the price closes under the price you purchased at expiry time, you make 75%. If it closes above, you’re left with 10%.
The data for these news events has been analyzed given previous releases and reactions, current market conditions and more. Significant surprises to market consensus, as given by surveys of economists, normally trigger sharp market reactions that proceed for a long period of time. When some events collide with each other, they can offset each other. So, these events aren’t in the list.


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